Oral presentations
All presentations should be brought to the IT Room and uploaded into the central system no later on the day prior to your presentation.
To ensure the smooth running of the presentations, speakers are requested to be in their session room 10 minutes before the start of the session.
Please plan an oral presentation of 12 minutes and with at least 3 minutes for discussion. Discussion is an essential element of the scientific work and makes a conference lively and constructive. Chairpersons will cut presenters off who try to use the discussion time for their presentation.
No personal computers will be allowed.
All presentations must be in PowerPoint or PDF format. There is no template, however we invite you to include the logo of the conference on the title and last slide. You can download it here. The preferred format is 16:9.
Mac users: please make sure your presentation has the proper format layout and fonts when opened in Microsoft PowerPoint.
When you are preparing your presentation, please be sure to include this information; noting disclosure of content that is relevant to your presentation for each bullet point listed below.
- Received royalties for any pharmaceutical, biomaterial, cell based products, medical products or devices
- Within the past 12 months served on a speakers bureau/paid honorarium to present by any pharmaceutical, biomaterial, cell based products, medical products or device company
- Paid employee for any pharmaceutical, biomaterial, cell based products, medical products or device or equipment company, or supplier
- Paid consultant for any pharmaceutical, biomaterial, cell based products, medical products or device or equipment, company, or supplier
- Unpaid consultant for any pharmaceutical, biomaterial, cell based products, medical products or device or equipment company, or supplier
- Own stock or stock options in any pharmaceutical, biomaterial, cell based products, medical products or device or equipment company, or supplier (excluding mutual funds)
- Receive research or institutional support as a principal investigator from any pharmaceutical, biomaterial, cell based products, medical products or device or equipment company, or supplier
- Receive any other financial material support from any pharmaceutical, biomaterial, cell based products, medical products or device or equipment company, or supplier
- Receive any royalties, financial material support from any medical and/or scientific publisher
Poster presentations
Poster sizes- A0 Portrait style (no landscape allowed) – max 841 mm wide by 1189 mm tall.
Please check the program for your poster number. Your poster location will be identified by that number. Posters will be arranged numerically and organized by topic. A poster map will be displayed next to the poster area and be available at the registration desk.
It will be the presenter responsibility to hang the respective posters on the space assigned according to the given number. Posters must be removed by Wednesday September 6th at 12.00 (Poster Session A) or by Friday September 8th at 12.00 (Poster Session B). Posters which are not taken down by this time will be removed by the conference organizers and destroyed
The moderator should arrive in the room at least 15 minutes before the session. Please have the names of the speakers, notes for introductions, a list of housekeeping items, and a list of potential questions.
Remind the audience that cell phones should be turned off or placed into silent mode.
Make sure to keep the schedule of your session.
At the end of your session, please prompt the audience to visit poster sessions, sponsors’ displays, and keynote talks.
Chairs are obviously requested to be present for the entire duration of the session and to moderate the live Q&A. Try to foster healthy scientific debate and constructive criticism. Questions and answers should be straight to the point.
Discussion is essential to scientific progress. Each keynote lecture is 30 minutes long, 24 minutes of presentation and 6 minutes of Q/A. Each short presentation is 12 minutes, followed by 3 minutes of Q/A, for a total of 15 minutes. These times also include the change of speaker on the podium.
If your session includes rapid fire presentations, the duration of each rapid fire presentation is 2 minutes and 30 seconds, plus an additional 30 seconds buffer to change speakers, for a total of 3 minutes per presentation.
Oral presentations
All presentations should be brought to the IT Room and uploaded into the central system no later on the day prior to your presentation.
To ensure the smooth running of the presentations, speakers are requested to be in their session room 10 minutes before the start of the session.
Please plan an oral presentation of 12 minutes and with at least 3 minutes for discussion. Discussion is an essential element of the scientific work and makes a conference lively and constructive. Chairpersons will cut presenters off who try to use the discussion time for their presentation.
No personal computers will be allowed.
All presentations must be in PowerPoint or PDF format. There is no template, however we invite you to include the logo of the conference on the title and last slide. You can download it here. The preferred format is 16:9.
Mac users: please make sure your presentation has the proper format layout and fonts when opened in Microsoft PowerPoint.
When you are preparing your presentation, please be sure to include this information; noting disclosure of content that is relevant to your presentation for each bullet point listed below.
- Received royalties for any pharmaceutical, biomaterial, cell based products, medical products or devices
- Within the past 12 months served on a speakers bureau/paid honorarium to present by any pharmaceutical, biomaterial, cell based products, medical products or device company
- Paid employee for any pharmaceutical, biomaterial, cell based products, medical products or device or equipment company, or supplier
- Paid consultant for any pharmaceutical, biomaterial, cell based products, medical products or device or equipment, company, or supplier
- Unpaid consultant for any pharmaceutical, biomaterial, cell based products, medical products or device or equipment company, or supplier
- Own stock or stock options in any pharmaceutical, biomaterial, cell based products, medical products or device or equipment company, or supplier (excluding mutual funds)
- Receive research or institutional support as a principal investigator from any pharmaceutical, biomaterial, cell based products, medical products or device or equipment company, or supplier
- Receive any other financial material support from any pharmaceutical, biomaterial, cell based products, medical products or device or equipment company, or supplier
- Receive any royalties, financial material support from any medical and/or scientific publisher
Poster presentations
Poster sizes- A0 Portrait style (no landscape allowed) – max 841 mm wide by 1189 mm tall.
Please check the program for your poster number. Your poster location will be identified by that number. Posters will be arranged numerically and organized by topic. A poster map will be displayed next to the poster area and be available at the registration desk.
It will be the presenter responsibility to hang the respective posters on the space assigned according to the given number. Posters must be removed by Wednesday September 6th at 12.00 (Poster Session A) or by Friday September 8th at 12.00 (Poster Session B). Posters which are not taken down by this time will be removed by the conference organizers and destroyed.
Rapid Fire presentations
All presentations should be brought to the IT Room and uploaded into the central system no later on the day prior to your presentation.
Please plan a rapid fire presentation of 2.5 minutes or less. We recommend avoiding information overload; the best is to trigger the curiosity of the audience to make them want to visit your poster.
No personal computers will be allowed.
All presentations must be in PowerPoint or PDF format.
Mac users: please make sure your presentation has the proper format layout and fonts when opened in Microsoft PowerPoint.
The moderator should arrive in the room at least 15 minutes before the session. Please have the names of the speakers, notes for introductions, a list of housekeeping items, and a list of potential questions.
Remind the audience that cell phones should be turned off or placed into silent mode.
Make sure to keep the schedule of your session.
At the end of your session, please prompt the audience to visit poster sessions, sponsors’ displays, and keynote talks.
Chairs are obviously requested to be present for the entire duration of the session and to moderate the live Q&A. Try to foster healthy scientific debate and constructive criticism. Questions and answers should be straight to the point.
Discussion is essential to scientific progress. Each keynote lecture is 30 minutes long, 24 minutes of presentation and 6 minutes of Q/A. Each short presentation is 12 minutes, followed by 3 minutes of Q/A, for a total of 15 minutes. These times also include the change of speaker on the podium.
If your session includes rapid fire presentations, the duration of each rapid fire presentation is 2 minutes and 30 seconds, plus an additional 30 seconds buffer to change speakers, for a total of 3 minutes per presentation.