AO Orthopaedic Research Summit Sponsor and Exhibition Opportunities

We are excited to announce a sponsor opportunity that offers unparalleled exposure connecting a diverse and dynamic audience across three leading orthopaedic societies – The AO Orthopaedic Research Summit 2025.

In a joint venture, the AO Research Institute Davos (ARI), along with the European Orthopaedic Research Society (EORS) and the International Society for Computer Assisted Orthopaedic surgery (CAOS), will welcome you for a unique collaborative conference experience in June 2025.

The AO Orthopaedic Research Summit will attract a wide multidisciplinary group of participants that bring together experts and thought leaders in fields related to biology, (bio)material science, tissue engineering, orthopedic surgery and robotics. This congress will be a unique opportunity to share your most recent scientific advances and technological developments across three societies which will offer a productive platform to foster innovative and collaborative networking within these fields.

As a sponsor for this unique combined event, you can address a varied audience as well as understand the current needs and trends in these fields. With over 600 participants expected, the AO Orthopaedic Research Summit is the optimal event to reach orthopaedic surgeons and scientific communities. Not only will your support enhance your company’s visibility and reputation amongst leading orthopaedic professionals, but it will also contribute to the insights of groundbreaking research and improved patient outcomes globally.

Please download the Booking Form and feel free to contact Mr. Ulrich Bentz at for further information.

We look forward to welcoming you to Davos.

  • Late Breaking Posters: 30.04.2025
  • Notification: Working on it.

Some delay with notification – Apologies.

  • Early Bird Registration:  07.04.2025
  • Abstract submission deadline: 15.01.2025
  • Congress Date:

16.06.2025 – 19.06.2025

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  • CHF 20’000, for 1 company

    • Four exhibitor registrations (access to scientific sessions, opening reception, conference dinner, daily lunch, coffee breaks)
    • Up to 20m2 exhibition booth space (including 1 table, 2 chairs, and electric socket extension) *
    • Priority choice of exhibition booth location
    • Priority on the opportunity to sponsor speakers or satellite events, such as workshops, or lunch symposia
    • Sponsor logo on Conference Announcements/Advertisements
    • Sponsor logo and URL on Conference Website, as Platinum sponsor
    • Sponsor advertisement on Conference Website
    • Sponsor may send one follow up communication to delegates post-event through chosen society, no electronic list will be provided in compliance with GDPR

    * Additional furniture or technical equipment/help may be arranged upon request

  • CHF 15’000, for up to 3 companies

    • Three exhibitor registrations (access to scientific sessions, opening reception, conference dinner, daily lunch, coffee breaks)
    • Up to 12m2 exhibition booth space (including 1 table, 2 chairs, and electric socket extension) *
    • Second choice of exhibition booth location, after Platinum sponsor  **
    • Second priority on the opportunity to sponsor speakers or satellite events, such as workshops, or lunch symposia, after Platinum sponsor
    • Sponsor logo on Conference Announcements/Advertisements
    • Sponsor logo and URL on Conference Website, as Gold sponsor
    • Sponsor advertisement on Conference Website
    • Sponsor may send one follow up communication to delegates post-event through chosen society, no electronic list will be provided in compliance with GDPR

    * Additional furniture or technical equipment/help may be arranged upon request

    * * First come first served basis from the possible three Gold sponsors

  • CHF 10’000, for up to 10 companies

    • Two exhibitor registrations (access to all scientific sessions, opening reception, conference dinner, daily lunch, coffee breaks)
    • Up to 9m2 exhibition booth space (including 1 table, 2 chairs, and electric socket extension) *
    • Third choice of exhibition booth location, after Platinum and Gold sponsors
    • Sponsor logo and URL on Conference Website, as Silver sponsor

    * First come first served basis from the possible 10 Silver sponsors

  • CHF 6’000, several available

    • One exhibitor registration (access to scientific sessions, opening reception, conference dinner, daily lunch, coffee breaks)
    • Up to 6m2 exhibition booth space (including 1 table, 2 chairs, and electric socket extension)
    • Exhibition booth location delegated by organizers
    • Sponsor logo and URL on Conference Website, as Bronze sponsor
  • CHF 5’000, several available

    • Logo and URL on one Conference Website.
  • WELCOME RECEPTION – Monday 16th June 2025

    This event will take place in the exhibition area. It offers superior visibility with a perfect networking opportunity.

    The sponsor will obtain:

    • Company logo on catering tables
    • Roll-up banners may be displayed
    • 2 complimentary event invitations
    • Oral acknowledgement by the conference chairs during the reception
    • Acknowledgement in the final program and on the conference official website


    NEW INVESTIGATORS EVENT – Monday 16th June 2025

    New Investigators are defined as university students (undergraduate or graduate) or employees of an academic institution in the field of orthopaedic research, who have obtained their doctoral degree (MS, MD, PhD, DVM) or orthopaedic residency within the past 5 years. This is a well attended event (usually sold out) and will give sponsors very high visibility, especially among investigators below 40 years of age.

    The sponsor will obtain:

    • Company logo on the menu card
    • Oral acknowledgement from conference chairs
    • Acknowledgement in the final program and on the conference official website


    GALA DINNER – Tuesday 17th June 2025

    Sponsoring the Gala Dinner will be a memorable event and it provides an opportunity to interact with all delegates with high visibility.

    The sponsor will obtain:

    • Company logo on the menu card
    • Oral acknowledgement from conference chairs
    • Acknowledgement in the final program and on the conference official website
    • 4 tickets to the Gala Dinner
  • For further information concerning the Exhibition Areas, please visit Exhibitor Management | Davos Congress.

The conference organization will consider further sponsoring requests 

Sponsors can rent additional material directly from the Congress Center, please visit Organization of your event by Davos Congress

For any additional info please contact Mr. Ulrich Bentz at

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